The mid week show at The Grey Lady in Tunbridge Wells was a resounding success. It's often a difficult venue to fill on a cold Wednesday night, but thanks to the combined pulling powers of Lucy Jarrett and Bea Everett, we packed the place out to the point where Piers Foster, (fab musician and talented videographer), was finding it hard to set up the camera! Matt Novis, (bass guitar), and myself were both suffering a bit from this pain in the ass cold that's been doing the rounds, so we were a touch croaky, but thankfully this didn't appear to come across too strongly and the audience were buzzing like people who have to work the next morning really ought not to be! No complaints from me though.
The Grey Lady Music Lounge
So thanks to all who came along and subsequently to those who've checked out the video that Piers knocked out the same night! (The man never sleeps). It's early days for 2016 so the gigs haven't really started to pick up yet. But they certainly will, and I'll be sure to keep you all informed right here on the website.